How to Create a Charge

Charges are the templates used when adding fees to activities. This is the name for the fees for services. Charge names are visible on customer receipts and once created may be assigned to one or many services. This Knowledge Base Article will take you through the steps of adding a Charge.

1. Once you’ve logged in to MyCommunityHub using your agency account, click Administration in the top bar.

2. In the Financial section, click Create Charge

3. You will be taken to a page with all existing charges. Click the purple Add New in the top right hand corner.

4. There will be a popup window where you can add Charge Name. Once you have entered a name, the Add Charge button will become purple. Click Add Charge.

5. You will be back the Charge list page with your charge added to the list.

6. The coupon can be added to any service you create. Please see our article on Creating a Service for steps on how to add the coupon to your service.

7. The Charge can be added to any service you create. Please see our article on Creating a Service for steps on how to add the Charge to your service.